2b. Invisible Tags

To begin writing your webpage, you'll need to include several invisible tags to tell the browser what it is. Begin by putting an opening and closing HTML tag around the entire document:




Tags are traditionally written in all capital letters, but you don't have to. In fact, I prefer lower case. Whatever floats your boat.

Now, we need to give your page that title that shows at the top of the screen when you go to the page. This is in the head of the page (as opposed to the body, which has the actual content), and is called (surprise surprise) the title. Do this by making a head section, and making a title section within it. Your page now looks like this:

<TITLE> My cool webpage! </TITLE>


The only other invisible tag you need before you can start actually writing the body is a body tag, to tell the browser that head is done, and that you're now writing stuff you want to show up. Just stick the opening <BODY> tag after the closing <HEAD> tag, and the closing </BODY> tag before your document ends, that is, before the closing </HTML> tag.

Now your document probably looks something like this:

<-- back   ||   next -->